Overall Stacked Priorities (0)
| Very Low |
| Low |
| Moderate |
| High |
| Very High |
Daytime Heat Island (2)
Diabetes (3)
Asthma (4)
Obesity (5)
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (6)
Stroke (7)
Depression (8)
Heart Disease (9)
Mental Health (10)
Tree Canopy (11)
Particulate Matter 2.5 Concentrations (12)
Ozone (13)
Diesel (14)
Physical Health (15)
Overall Healthy Stacked Priorities (16)
Communities of Color (18)
Linguistic Isolation (19)
Less Than High School Education (20)
Population Over 64 (21)
Population Under 5 (22)
Unemployment (23)
Disability (24)
Disinvested Community (25)
Life Expectancy (26)
Rent Burden (27)
Overall Equitable Stacked Priorities (28)
Core Areas (31)
| Core Habitat Areas |
Birds of Concern Habitat (32)
| Core Habitat for Vulnerable Birds |
Imperiled Species Richness (33)
| Least Rich |
| |
| Moderate |
| |
| Most Rich |
Overall Protect Existing Biodiversity Zones (34)
| Lowest Priority |
| Low Priority |
| Moderate Pirority |
| High Priority |
| Highest Priority |
Corridors (36)
| Biodiversity Corridors |
Habitat Opportunities (37)
| Vegetated Vacant Land |
Overall Increasing Biodiversity Opportunities (38)
| Moderate |
| High |
Overall Protecting and Increasing Biodiversity (39)
| Lowest Priority |
| Low Priority |
| Moderate Pirority |
| High Priority |
| Highest Priority |
Flow Accumulation (43)
Combined Sewer Service Area (44)
| Very High |
Runoff Estimation (45)
Impervious Surface (46)
Combined Sewer Service Area (48)
| Very High |
Watershed Impervious Surface (49)
Impervious Surface (50)
Absorb Stacked Priorities (51)
Current Flood Zones (53)
Wetlands, Riparian Buffers and Shorelines (54)
| Very High |
Open Space (55)
| Very High |
Protect Stacked Priorities (56)
Overall Protected Stacked Priorities (57)
Fill Trail Gaps (59)
| Very High |
| High |
Overall Connected Stacked Priorities (60)
| Very High |
| High |