Parcels and ROW (0)
Study Area (1)
Parks and Open Space (3)
Neighborhoods (4)
CMSD Schools (5)
Non-CMSD Schools (6)
GCRTA Fixed Transit Stations (8)
GCRTA Health Line Stations (9)
GCRTA Cleveland State Line Stops (10)
UH Bikeshare Stations (11)
Fatal Ped & Bike Crashes 2010-2014 (12)
Injury Ped & Bike Crashes 2010-2014 (13)
Property Damage Ped & Bike Crashes 2010-2014 (14)
Bikeways & Trails (15)
| Existing |
| Planned |
Tree Canopy (2011) (17)
| Tree Canopy over Vegetation or Soil |
| Tree Canopy over Impervious |
Impervious (2011) (18)
| Buildings |
| Other Paved Surfaces |
| Roads/Railroads |
Daytime Avg Land Surface Temp (19)
| High : 104.939 - Low : 75.6768 |
Nighttime Avg Land Surface Temp (20)
| High : 71.006 - Low : 62.258 |
Basement Flooding Calls 2014-2016 (22)
NEORSD Problem Locations (23)
Sewer Pipes (24)
| 1873 - 1906 |
| 1907 - 1918 |
| 1919 - 1938 |
| 1939 - 1984 |
| 1985 - 2016 |
Hydrologic Soil Groups (25)
| A - Well Drained |
| B - Moderately Well Drained |
| C - Moderately Poorly Drained |
| D - Poorly Drained |
Floodzones (26)
| Floodway |
| 100 year |
| 500 year |
303d Streams (28)
Streams (29)
| Streams |
Wetlands (30)
Waterbodies (31)
Low Income Households (33)
| 0.000000 - 0.269861 |
| 0.269862 - 0.465625 |
| 0.465626 - 0.626794 |
| 0.626795 - 0.771617 |
| 0.771618 - 1.000000 |
Minority Population (34)
| 0.000000 - 0.256467 |
| 0.256468 - 0.481818 |
| 0.481819 - 0.690110 |
| 0.690111 - 0.879482 |
| 0.879483 - 1.000000 |
Renters (35)
| 0.000000 - 0.025931 |
| 0.025932 - 0.052662 |
| 0.052663 - 0.096886 |
| 0.096887 - 0.181788 |
| 0.181789 - 0.331633 |
Population Under 5 (36)
| 0.002161 - 0.041982 |
| 0.041983 - 0.076244 |
| 0.076245 - 0.112350 |
| 0.112351 - 0.172549 |
| 0.172550 - 0.288548 |
Population Over 64 (37)
| 0.000000 - 0.063177 |
| 0.063178 - 0.116481 |
| 0.116482 - 0.183636 |
| 0.183637 - 0.291667 |
| 0.291668 - 0.497110 |
Diabetes Rate (39)
| 6.500000 - 10.900000 |
| 10.900001 - 14.300000 |
| 14.300001 - 17.900000 |
| 17.900001 - 21.800000 |
| 21.800001 - 26.300000 |
| 26.300001 - 35.300000 |
Asthma Rate (40)
| 9.200000 - 10.600000 |
| 10.600001 - 12.100000 |
| 12.100001 - 13.500000 |
| 13.500001 - 14.700000 |
| 14.700001 - 16.200000 |
| 16.200001 - 21.400000 |
Obesity Rate (41)
| 24.500000 - 31.600000 |
| 31.600001 - 37.400000 |
| 37.400001 - 42.400000 |
| 42.400001 - 46.900000 |
| 46.900001 - 50.300000 |
| 50.300001 - 55.700000 |
Kidney Disease Rate (42)
| 1.900000 - 3.100000 |
| 3.100001 - 3.700000 |
| 3.700001 - 4.400000 |
| 4.400001 - 5.100000 |
| 5.100001 - 5.900000 |
| 5.900001 - 7.800000 |
Stroke Rate (43)
| 1.700000 - 3.300000 |
| 3.300001 - 4.400000 |
| 4.400001 - 5.900000 |
| 5.900001 - 7.400000 |
| 7.400001 - 9.200000 |
| 9.200001 - 13.100000 |
Coronary Heart Disease Rate (44)
| 3.200000 - 5.300000 |
| 5.300001 - 7.500000 |
| 7.500001 - 8.900000 |
| 8.900001 - 10.400000 |
| 10.400001 - 13.300000 |
| 13.300001 - 18.500000 |
Elevated Lead Levels Rate (45)
| 0.000000 - 0.046512 |
| 0.046513 - 0.098039 |
| 0.098040 - 0.150943 |
| 0.150944 - 0.210526 |
| 0.210527 - 0.280000 |
| 0.280001 - 0.410714 |
Land Use (2014) (47)
Tree Canopy (2011) (48)
| Tree Canopy over Vegetation or Soil |
| Tree Canopy over Impervious |
Impervious (2011) (49)
| Buildings |
| Other Paved Surfaces |
| Roads/Railroads |
Landcover (2011) (50)
| Grass/Shrub |
| Bare Soil / Dry Vegetation |
| Water |
| Buildings |
| Roads / Railroads |
| Other Paved |
| Tree Canopy |
City Landbank (April 2017) (51)
County Landbank (52)
| |
| Demolition |
| Renovate |
| Third Party Transfer |
| Vacant lot |
CPC Riparian Buffers (53)
GI Drainage Area (54)
GI Project Sites (55)