Statewide Summaries (7)
State Boundaries (5)
School Districts (Overall Score) (8)
| 0 - 0.26 (least need) |
| 0.26 - 0.37 |
| 0.37 - 0.48 |
| 0.48 - 0.63 |
| 0.63 - 1 (most need) |
School District Boundaries (6)
Schools (Overall Score) (4)
| 0 - 0.28 (Least Need) |
| 0.28 - 0.38 |
| 0.38 - 0.50 |
| 0.50 - 1.0 (Most Need) |
School 10 Minute Walk Service Area (30)
| Full Service Area |
| New Area Served |
Urban heat: °F warmer than immediate surroundings (16)
| -3 to 0 |
| >0 to 1.5 |
| >1.5 to 3 |
| >3 to 10 |
| No Data Available |
Student to Staff ratio (15)
| Up to 10:1 |
| Up to 14:1 |
| Up to 18:1 |
| 18:1 or Higher |
| No Data Available |
% of students receiving free or reduced price lunch (14)
| 0 to 30 |
| >30 to 60 |
| >60 to 80 |
| >80 to 100 |
| No Data Available |
% of students who are non-white (13)
| 0 to 30 |
| >30 to 60 |
| >60 to 80 |
| >80 to 100 |
| No Data Available |
Overall Score - Top 50 (29)
Overall Score - URBAN Top 50 (28)
Overall Score - RURAL Top 50 (27)
Overall Score - Top 10 by State (26)
% of schools in an Urban Heat Island (urban and semi-urban districts only) (23)
| 0 to 20% |
| >20 to 40% |
| >40 to 60% |
| >60 to 80% |
| >80% |
Average Tree Equity Score per district (urban districts only) (22)
| 0 to 75 |
| >75 to 80 |
| >80 to 85 |
| >85 to 90 |
| >90 to 100 |
% of students who are non-white (21)
| 0–20 |
| >20–40 |
| >40–60 |
| >60–80 |
| >80–100 |
% of students whose families do not speak English at home (20)
| <5 |
| >5 to 10 |
| >10 to 15 |
| >15 to 20 |
| >20 to 25 |
| >25 |
| No Data |
% of students who are chronically absent (19)
| 0–20 |
| >20–40 |
| >40–60 |
| >60–80 |
| >80–100 |
Residents in school district with poor mental health (18)
| 0 to 20% |
| >20 to 30% |
| >30 to 40% |
| >40 to 50% |
| >50% |
| No Data |
Residents in school district with low physical activity (17)
| 0 to 15% |
| >15 to 30% |
| >30 to 45% |
| >45 to 60% |
| >60% |
| No Data Available |