Long Island Sound Program Boundary (1)
Long Island Sound Coastal Boundary (2)
HUC 10 Watershed Profiles (3)
Rivers and streams (5)
| Stream order - 1 |
| Stream order - 2 |
| Stream order - 3 |
| Stream order - 4 |
| Stream order - 5 |
Community Boundaries (7)
2021 Connecticut environmental justice communities (8)
County Boundaries (9)
State Boundaries (10)
HUC 12 Watershed Boundary (12)
HUC 10 Watershed Boundary (13)
HUC 8 Watershed Boundary (14)
HUC 6 Watershed Boundary (15)
HUC 4 Watershed Boundary (16)
USGS National Landcover Database (2019) (18)
| Woody Wetlands |
| Unclassified |
| Shrub/Scrub |
| Open Water |
| Mixed Forest |
| Herbaceous |
| Hay/Pasture |
| Evergreen Forest |
| Emergent Herbaceous Wetlands |
| Developed, Open Space |
| Developed, Medium Intensity |
| Developed, Low Intensity |
| Developed, High Intensity |
| Deciduous Forest |
| Cultivated Crops |
| Barren Land |
US EPA Integrated Climate and Land-Use Scenarios (ICLUS) - 2020 (19)
| 0 - Natural Water |
| 1 - Reservoirs, Canals |
| 2 - Wetlands |
| 3 - Recreation, Conservation |
| 4 - Timber |
| 5 - Grazing |
| 6 - Pasture |
| 7 - Cropland |
| 8 - Mining, Barren Land |
| 9 - Parks, Golf Courses |
| 10 - Exurban, Low |
| 11 - Exurban, High |
| 12 - Suburban |
| 13 - Urban Low |
| 14 - Urban High |
| 15 - Commercial |
| 16 - Industrial |
| 17 - Institutional |
| 18 - Transportation |
USDA Cropland Data Layer - 2020 (20)
| Alfalfa |
| Apples |
| Aquaculture |
| Background |
| Barley |
| Barren |
| Blueberries |
| Broccoli |
| Buckwheat |
| Cabbage |
| Cherries |
| Christmas Trees |
| Clover/Wildflowers |
| Corn |
| Cranberries |
| Dbl Crop Triticale/Corn |
| Dbl Crop WinWht/Corn |
| Deciduous Forest |
| Developed/High Intensity |
| Developed/Low Intensity |
| Developed/Med Intensity |
| Developed/Open Space |
| Dry Beans |
| Durum Wheat |
| Evergreen Forest |
| Fallow/Idle Cropland |
| Grapes |
| Grassland/Pasture |
| Herbaceous Wetlands |
| Herbs |
| Misc Vegs & Fruits |
| Mixed Forest |
| Mustard |
| Oats |
| Onions |
| Open Water |
| Other Crops |
| Other Hay/Non Alfalfa |
| Other Tree Crops |
| Peaches |
| Pears |
| Peppers |
| Plums |
| Potatoes |
| Pumpkins |
| Rye |
| Shrubland |
| Sod/Grass Seed |
| Sorghum |
| Soybeans |
| Speltz |
| Spring Wheat |
| Squash |
| Strawberries |
| Sunflower |
| Sweet Corn |
| Switchgrass |
| Tobacco |
| Tomatoes |
| Triticale |
| Winter Wheat |
| Woody Wetlands |
Conserved Lands (2022) (21)
| Fee |
| Easement |
CW01: Catchments that are greatest sources of agricultural Nitrogen (24)
| Catchment is a high source of Nitrogen |
| Catchment is a very high source of Nitrogen |
CW02: Catchments that are greatest sources of agricultural Phosphorus (25)
CW03: Catchments that are greatest sources of agricultural Sediment (TSS) (26)
CW04: Unforested active river area in catchments with high agricultural sediment loading (27)
CW05: Areas with high Nitrogen flow into streams from residential fertilizers (28)
CW06: Green infrastructure opportunities in watersheds with high urban runoff in upper basin (29)
| 222,918 - 955,379 (kgN/km2) |
| 78,002 - 222,917 (kgN/km2) |
| 25,861 - 78,001 (kgN/km2) |
| 7,770 - 25,860 (kgN/km2) |
| 275 - 7,769 (kgN/km2) |
CW07: Green infrastructure opportunities in watersheds with high urban runoff in coastal area (30)
| 191,152 - 3,813,179 (kgN/km2) |
| 77,301 - 191,151 (kgN/km2) |
| 28,993 - 77,300 (kgN/km2) |
| 8,205 - 28,992 (kgN/km2) |
| 251 - 8,204 (kgN/km2) |
CW08: HUC 10 watersheds wih high percentages of urban landuse (31)
| 43% - 83% |
| 22% - 42% |
| 9% - 21% |
| 4% - 8% |
| 0% - 3% |
CW09: HUC 10 watersheds wih high percentages of suburban or exurban landuse (32)
| 61% - 83% |
| 48% - 60% |
| 34% - 47% |
| 18% - 33% |
| 0% - 17% |
CW11: High loading catchments that overlap eastern brook trout priority patches (33)
CW12: Watersheds that are the most significant sources of marine debris and litter in LIS (34)
| 10 - Highest Score |
| 9 |
| 8 |
| 7 |
| 6 |
| 5 |
| 4 |
| 3 |
| 1 - Lowest Score |
CW13: Communities that are the most significant sources of marine debris and litter in LIS (35)
| 10 - Highest Score |
| 8 |
| 7 |
| 6 |
| 5 |
| 4 |
| 3 |
| 2 |
| 1 |
| 0 |
HW01: Protect large patches of coastal grasslands (37)
| 47.58 - 116.20 acres |
| 22.49 - 47.57 acres |
| 8.89 - 22.48 acres |
| 2.80 - 8.88 acres |
| 0.26 - 2.79 acres |
HW02: Protect large patches of beaches and dunes (38)
| 138.02 - 219.90 acres |
| 79.88 - 138.01 acres |
| 34.11 - 79.87 acres |
| 9.71 - 34.10 acres |
| 0.26 - 9.70 acres |
HW03: Protect large patches of coastal forest (39)
| 3639.46 - 8949.73 acres |
| 1419.24 - 3639.45 acres |
| 574.38 - 1419.23 acres |
| 142.01 - 574.37 acres |
| 0.26 - 142.00 acres |
HW04: Protect large patches of tidal wetlands (40)
| 566.25 - 1061.80 acres |
| 261.43 - 566.24 acres |
| 96.60 - 261.42 acres |
| 25.60 - 96.59 acres |
| 0.26 - 25.59 acres |
HW05: Priority restoration sites for saltmarsh sparrow (41)
| Priority Salt Marsh Sparrow Restoration Site |
| Honorable Mention Salt Marsh Sparrow Restoration Site |
HW06: Protect coastal shorebird habitat (42)
| 4 - species overlapping habitat patch |
| 3 |
| 2 |
| 1 |
| 0 - species overlapping habitat patch |
HW07: Areas where coastal shorebird habitat and recreational areas overlap (43)
HW08: Existing or potential shellfish reefs (44)
| Existing managed shellfish bed |
| Existing unmanaged shellfish bed |
| Potential shellfish bed |
HW09: Certified and uncertified waters for shellfishing in existing or potential shellfish reefs (45)
| Certified, Existing Shellfish Bed |
| Certified, Potential Shellfish Bed |
| Uncertified, Existing Shellfish Bed |
| Uncertified, Potential Shellfish Bed |
HW10: Vulnerable human communities at risk from sea level rise, storms and flooding (46)
| Very High Vulnerability |
| High Vulnerability |
| Moderate Vulnerability |
| Low Vulnerability |
| Very Low Vulnerability |
HW11: Vulnerable communities near priority shorebird habitat (47)
HW12: Barriers to AOP that block the greatest river miles of upstream habitat (48)
| 182 - 387 miles |
| 68 - 182 miles |
| 24 - 68 miles |
| 6 - 24 miles |
| 0 - 6 miles |
HW12b: Ranking of barriers to AOP that block the greatest river miles of upstream habitat (49)
| 1 - Highest Tier |
| 2 |
| 3 |
| 4 |
| 5 |
| 6 |
| 7 |
| 8 - Lowest Tier |
HW13: Barriers that block passage in river with priority populations of river herring (50)
| 1 - Highest Tier |
| 2 |
| 3 |
| 4 |
| 5 |
| 6 |
| 7 |
| 8 |
| 9 |
| 10 |
| 11 |
| 12 |
| 13 |
| 14 |
| 15 |
| 16 |
| 17 |
| 18 |
| 19 |
| 20 - Lowest Tier |
HW14: Barriers prioritized to maximize multi-species benefits (51)
| Expert identified priority barrier to river herring that overlaps EBT priority patch |
| Barrier on river with existing population of river herring that overlaps EBT priority patch |
HW15: Dams and culverts in watersheds with high sediment load (52)
| Tiers 1 and 2 - Highest Priority |
| Tiers 3 and 4 |
| Tiers 5 and 6 |
| Tiers 7 and 8 |
| Tiers 9 and 10 |
| Tiers 11 and 12 |
| Tiers 13 and 14 |
| Tiers 15 and 16 |
| Tiers 17 and 18 |
| Tiers 19 and 20 - Lowest Priority |
| No Score (NAACC Barrier) |
HW16: Dams and culverts in watersheds with high sediment load that overlap EBT patches (53)
| Tiers 1 and 2 - Highest Priority |
| Tiers 3 and 4 |
| Tiers 5 and 6 |
| Tiers 7 and 8 |
| Tiers 9 and 10 |
| Tiers 11 - 20 - Lower Priority |
| No score (NAACC barrier with No AOP |
SC01: Locations to increase public access to shorelines and waterways (55)
| Shoreline with no public access that is nearby a vulnerable community |
| Shoreline with no public access that is not nearby a vulnerable community |
| Shoreline with public access that is nearby a vulnerable community |
| Shoreline with public access that is not nearby a vulnerable community |
SC02: Census tracts with high proportion low income and minority population (56)
SC03: Census tracts with high proportion low income households (57)
| 81% - 100% |
| 61% - 80% |
| 41% - 60% |
| 21% - 40% |
| 0% - 20% |
SC04: Census tracts with high proportion minority population (58)
| 81% - 100% |
| 61% - 80% |
| 41% - 60% |
| 21% - 40% |
| 0% - 20% |
Catchments that produce greater than 100 Kg of agricultural N per Km (61)
Catchments that produce between 50 and 100 Kg of agricultural N per Km (62)
Top 10% agricultural Phosphorus producing catchments (63)
Top 10% agricultural Sediment producing catchments (64)
Urban Nitrogen Priority Source Areas and Primary Landuse Type (65)
| 1 (Urban, suburban, and exurban) |
| 2 (Urban, suburban) |
| 3 (Urban, exurban) |
| 4 (Suburban and Exurban) |
| 5 (Urban) |
| 6 (Suburban) |
| 7 (Exurban) |
Active River Area (66)
| input water cells |
| Base Zone, non-wetland |
| Material Contribution Zone, non-wetland |
| Base Zone, wetland |
| Material Contribution Zone, wetland |
Urban Nitrogen yield by catchment (Kg/km) (67)
| 251 - 24,807 (KgN/km) |
| 24,808 - 78,001 (KgN/km) |
| 78,002 - 222,917 (KgN/km) |
| 222,918 - 955,379 (KgN/km) |
| 955,380 - 3,813,179 (KgN/km) |
ICLUS Urban landuse (2020) (68)
| 13 - Urban Low |
| 14 - Urban High |
| 15 - Commercial |
| 16 - Industrial |
| 17 - Institutional |
| 18 - Transportation |
ICLUS Suburban and Exurban landuse (2020) (69)
| 10 - Exurban, Low |
| 11 - Exurban, High |
| 12 - Suburban |
Trout Unlimited Conservation Strategies for Eastern Brook Trout (70)
| |
| Secure stronghold population |
| Enhance stronghold population |
| Secure persistent population |
| Restore persistent population |
Boat Launches in CT and NY (72)
Coastal Access Sites in CT (73)
Marinas in CT and NY (74)
Public Access Beaches in CT and NY (75)
EPA 303d Streams due to Marine Debris (76)
EPA 303d waterbodies due to Marine Debris (77)
Combined Sewer Outflows in CT and NY (78)
County with Combined Sewer Outflow site in MA, NH and VT (79)
Beach Cleanup locations in CT and NY (80)
American Oystercatcher Occurence Events (83)
Least Tern Occurence Events (84)
Piping Plover Occurence Events (85)
Roseate Tern Occurence Events (86)
Saltmarsh Sparrow Priority Restoration Marshes (2022) (87)
| Priority |
| Honorable Mention |
| Reference Marshes |
Wetlands (88)
LIS Blue Plan Recreation Hot Spot (89)
| -3 - Least Recreational Activity |
| -2 |
| -1 |
| 0 |
| 1 |
| 2 |
| 3 - Most Recreational Activity |
CREST Community Exposure Index (90)
| 10 - High Exposure |
| 9 |
| 8 |
| 7 |
| 6 |
| 5 |
| 4 |
| 3 |
| 2 |
| 1 - Low Exposure |
CREST Social Vulnerability Index (91)
| 0 - Not Scored |
| 1 - Least Vulnerability |
| 2 |
| 3 - Greatest Vulnerability |
Aquaculture Locations (93)
LIS Blue Plan Ecologically Significant Areas for managed shellfish beds (94)
| Ecologically Significant Areas for Managed Shellfish Beds |
LIS Blue Plan Ecologically Significant Areas for Mollusc Species (95)
LIS Blue Plan Hardbottom and Complex Seafloor (96)
CT Shellfish Classification (97)
| Approved |
| Conditionally Approved (Seasonal) |
| Conditionally Approved Seasonal |
| Condtionally Approved Seasonal |
| Conditionally Restricted-Relay |
| Restricted-Relay |
| Prohibited |
NY Commercial Harvest Zones (98)
| Seasonal |
| Year-round |
NY Shellfish Closures (99)
NAACC Barriers Database (2022) (101)
| Significant barrier |
| Severe barrier |
| Moderate barrier |
| Minor barrier |
| Insignificant barrier |
TNC Anadromous Fish Barriers (102)
| Significant Barrier |
| Severe Barrier |
| Moderate Barrier |
| Minor Barrier |
| Insignificant Barrier |
Distance to next upstream moderate barrier (TNC) (103)
| 182 - 387 miles |
| 68 - 182 miles |
| 24 - 68 miles |
| 6 - 24 miles |
| 0.00 - 6 miles |
Moderate Barriers with Downstream Alewife (104)
Expert Identified Dam for Removal for River Herring (105)
NOAA Coastline Type (107)
| Breakwater.Bare |
| Groin.Bare |
| Jetty.Bare |
| Man-made.Bulkhead Or Sea Wall |
| Man-made.Bulkhead Or Sea Wall.Ruins |
| Man-made.Canal.Non-navigable |
| Man-made.Drydock.Permanent |
| Man-made.Ramp |
| Man-made.Rip Rap |
| Man-made.Slipway |
| Man-made.Wharf Or Quay |
| Man-made.Wharf Or Quay.Ruins |
| Natural.Apparent.Marsh Or Swamp |
| Natural.Great Lake Or Lake Or Pond |
| Natural.Mean High Water |
| Natural.Mean High Water.Approximate |
| Natural.River Or Stream |
| Natural.River Or Stream.Approximate |
| Undetermined.Approximate |
EJ Screen Percent Low Income by Census Tract (108)
| 0% - 20% |
| 21% - 40% |
| 41% - 60% |
| 61% - 80% |
| 81% - 100% |
EJ Screen Percent Minority by Census Tract (109)
| 0% - 20% |
| 21% - 40% |
| 41% - 60% |
| 61% - 80% |
| 81% - 100% |