Community-Nominated Sites for Places that Matter (56)
Parcels (28)
City of New Bedford Boundary (30)
Mask (highlight New Bedford) (27)
Schools (64)
CEJST Census Tracts Data (57)
Block Groups (Census) (29)
Flood Zones (12)
| 100-year flood zone |
| 500-year flood zone |
Urban Heat (degrees F above/below average in summer) (13)
| 11.2667 - -7.42007 |
Impervious Surfaces (59)
| Not Impervious |
| Impervious |
RTA Bus Routes (15)
Vacant Lots (16)
Festivals (18)
Visual Arts Stores & Galleries (19)
Libraries (20)
Museums (21)
Places of Worship (22)
Landcover (NOAA) (2016) (61)
| Developed, Impervious |
| Developed, Open Space |
| Cultivated Crops |
| Pasture/Hay |
| Grassland/Herbaceous |
| Deciduous Forest |
| Evergreen Forest |
| Scrub/Shrub |
| Palustrine Forested Wetland |
| Palustrine Scrub/Shrub Wetland |
| Palustrine Emergent Wetland (Persistent) |
| Estuarine Emergent Wetland |
| Unconsolidated Shore |
| Other Shore / Wetlands |
| Open Water |
| Palustrine Aquatic Bed |
Tree Canopy (NOAA) (60)
| Tree Canopy |
| Other Vegetation / Scrubland |
Parks (24)
Pedestrian Sidewalks (25)
Overall Combined Score (55)
| 0 - 2 |
| 2 - 4 |
| 4 - 6 |
| 6 - 8 |
| 8 - 10 |
| 10 - 12 |
| 12 - 14 |
| 14 - 16 |
| 16 - 18 |
| 18 - 20 |
Social Vulnerability (2)
| 1 (Least Vulnerable) |
| 2 |
| 3 (Moderate) |
| 4 |
| 5 (Most Vulnerable) |
Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect (3)
| 1 (Least Severe) |
| 2 |
| 3 (Moderate) |
| 4 |
| 5 (Most Severe) |
Flood Risk by block group (4)
| Low Risk |
| Moderate Risk |
| High Risk |
Need for Additional Trees (5)
| 1 (Lowest Need) |
| 2 |
| 3 |
| 4 |
| 5 (Highest Need) |
Overall Climate Risk (6)
| 10 (Highest) - 1 (Lowest) |
Level of rent burden (38)
| 1 (Least Severe) |
| 2 |
| 3 (Moderate) |
| 4 |
| 5 (Most Severe) |
Distance to RTA route (51)
| (<1/4 Mile) |
| (<1/2 Mile) |
| (<1 Mile) |
Overall Potential Impact of Affordable Housing Projects (54)
| Greatest Impact |
| |
| |
| Least Impact |
Density of Historic Sites (41)
Density of Religious Institutions (44)
Density of Community Gathering Places (40)
Density of Art-Related Sites (39)
Overall Density of Cultural and Historic Resources (37)
Areas not served by parks (46)
| Least Need |
| |
| Moderate Need |
| |
| Greatest Need |
Tree Equity Score (43)
| 1 (Most Equitable) |
| 2 |
| 3 |
| 4 |
| 5 (Least Equitable) |
Overall Need for Green Space (47)
| 1 (Least Need) |
| 2 |
| 3 |
| 4 |
| 5 (MOST NEED) |